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Gold Service

Gold Service

For our busiest clients when time is your priority.

Our Gold Service reduces your involvement to the absolute minimum.  

A white glove service from start to finish.  We debit the amounts you need to pay out and make all the payments to the employee, HMRC and the pension provider automatically, giving you complete peace of mind.

No logging in to a portal, no downloading of documents.  The encrypted payslip is emailed directly to the employee.

The Gold service, does, of course, include all the features of the Silver package.



Our entry level payroll service
£168 / £252 Employee paid Monthly / Weekly
  • Unlimited HR advice
  • HMRC PAYE registration and correspondence
  • Legal information
  • Payslips issued on a monthly basis
  • Statutory payments (sick & maternity pay)
  • P60 and P11d at year end, P45 (when required)
  • Your chosen pension contributions on the payslip
  • Pension assessment for non-eligible job holders


Payroll, pensions and a tailored contract
£270 / £372 Employee paid Monthly / Weekly
  • Includes everything from our Bronze service.
  • Pensions assessment for all employees
  • NEST pension setup and management
  • Dealing with The Pensions Regulator
  • Bespoke employment contract
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For our busiest clients when time is your priority
£284 / £390 Plus additional £18 per month/£6 per week for Employee paid Monthly / Weekly​
  • Includes everything from our Silver service
  • Makes payments to the employee on your behalf
  • Makes payments to HMRC on your behalf
  • Making pension payments to NEST on your behalf